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Joy -  this combination brightens the spirit and infuses our hearts with the feeling of joyfulness. Composed of four lily flower essences, it is useful to dispel feeling downcast or grouchy, or depressed from grief, trauma or without apparent reason. Yellow Day Lily brightens the spirit and bestows joyfulness and a sense of lightness; Wild Tulip eases our heart and thoughts, infusing us with a sense of calm and peace; Lily of the Valley opens the heart and alleviates sadness; Star of Bethlehem soothes hurts and trauma, bringing us back into the present. Lily Joy is suitable for children, adults, and animals alike. It brings out the joyfulness of our inner child.

 Sie erden und verleihen eine starke Haltung und Mut, kurz gesagt, einen Kriegergeist – der uns hilft, trotz widriger Umstände erfolgreich zu sein. Die Essenzen stärken unseren inneren spirituellen Krieger, der selbst inmitten von Chaos und Angriffen ständig mit dem höchsten Zweck und Ziel in Kontakt ist. Diese Essenzen erhöhen unsere psychische Belastbarkeit, erhöhen unsere gesunde Fähigkeit, nein zu sagen und Grenzen zu wahren, und verleihen Flexibilität, um unsere Wachsamkeit nach Bedarf auf- und abzulegen. Die botanischen Distelgewächse lehren uns, dass sich innerlich stark und strahlend zu fühlen, der beste Schutz gegen Angriffe von außen ist. Sie helfen uns auch, uns von innen heraus zu erneuern, wenn wir uns durch Lebensereignisse verletzt und am Boden zerstört fühlen. 

Relief -  is a combination that soothes shock, emotional pain and trauma whenever we feel under duress. It helps us regain a calm composure and become present, as well as the feeling that we can face the challenge at hand. Ideal in any emergency situation, for emotional trauma or after an accident. Lily Rescue can be taken acutely or long term to heal old trauma. (Star of Bethlehem, Red Onion, Hellebore, Daylily, Wild Pink Tulip)


Purity -  is combination of white lilies to purify the feminine essence.

White lilies have been associated with purity since the dawn of time. A combination of six white lilies, Purity bestows a sense of inner purity, clarity, and radiance. Profoundly purifying on all levels, the combination is made with Madonna Lily, Yucca, Lily of the Valley, Star of Bethlehem, Red Onion (the bulb is red, the flower white) and White Trillium essences, Purity opens the heart and fills the soul with light. It is blessing elixir for sacred femininity, beautiful for space clearing and blessing ceremonies.  

Blütenessenzen wirken synergetisch mit den Maya-Unterleibstherapien, da sie die Körperenergien wieder ins Gleichgewicht bringen, indem sie über die Chakren und Meridiane wirken, und auch dazu beitragen, die Emotionen wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Dadurch wird die Wirkung der Maya-Bauchbehandlung verstärkt, vertieft und verlängert. -  This combination is a classic for space clearing. It clears negative and stuck energy wherever it is misted, shifting the vibration to a high, clean tone that invites positive thought, action,  and spirituality. This is useful in an environment in which people and their actions spread negativity, such as unfriendly or inappropriate neighbors, and can also be useful in dealing with unseen beings. Toad Lily acts by clearing all that is stuck and negative, inviting a very high spiritual energy into the space. Hellebore also pushes negativity aside and fortifies our energies against outer energies. Misted over oneself or taken orally, Clearing helps people to break cycles of addiction, empowering the self against inner negativity. This combination is also helpful in any situation calling for an exorcism.

Blütenessenzen wirken synergetisch mit den Maya-Unterleibstherapien, da sie die Körperenergien wieder ins Gleichgewicht bringen, indem sie über die Chakren und Meridiane wirken, und auch dazu beitragen, die Emotionen wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Dadurch wird die Wirkung der Maya-Bauchbehandlung verstärkt, vertieft und verlängert. restoring energy and focus. Rejuvenation is a lily combination that helps us to release too many and scattering activities, centering us in the here and now. Asparagus helps to rejuvenate our energy, and bestows focus and clarity to the mind. Daylily releases us from drivenness and the urge to do more and push further, thus allowing us to become calm in the present. Yucca sustains the energy, clarity and centeredness, giving the foresight to let go of what is not essential, while engaging in what is good for us. It helps to unhook us from adrenalin addiction

Wisdom -  Wisdom lily essence combination facilitaes seeing, the inner quality that gives birth to wisdom and insight. Opening the head chakras, Meadow Saffron activates the third eye. It aids to get in touch with higher realms and realities. Yucca gives the overview and perspective to see ourselves and the situation we are in in the larger context. Red Onion helps us to enter the oneness in which we can feel as well as intuit all of ourselves and others. Wisdom opens our mind, facilitates a broad  outlook on things, and helps us to see where we fit into the larger whole


Protection -  strengthens our auric field, which is our primary protection. The essences of white, purple, and orange Crocus protect us on different chakra level, aided by pink Wild Tulip which protects the heart. Solomon's Seal in concert with these aligns us at the center of our auric field of protection, relaxed and flexible, ready to respond to whatever comes along in the river of life. Protection is indicated in people who feel vulnerable, thin skinned, and easily overwhelmed by too much sensory input. Or situations and people might simply get too easily “under their skin”. Protection bestows a sense of a buffer zone around the person, thus inserting a protective bubble or shield between us and the world. It is that spaciousness around us that enables us to reach out to others and take from that what we choose, leaving aside that which is not wholesome.

Täglich Combining the Joy formula with Fairy Wand make it ideal to heal our inner child, reminding it of joy, playfulness, spontaneity, and creative imagination. Lily of the Valley heals the heart and our past.

Release – Greenbrier, Fairy Wand, Asian Lily and Yellow Daylily create a synergy to undo emotional fetters, seemingly unshakable mind sets, and entrenched subconscious patterns. Release combination helps to expand our limitations and release us from co-dependence. It breaks through our long-held, deeply entrenched mental and emotional patterns. Release gives us a sense of liberation when we feel tied by the past or limiting emotions.


“When I misted Release around me, each time I distinctly felt a load sliding off of my shoulders that had been there for years. I feel so much freer.” Emily R., MN

Team Spirit – From family life and kindergarten group to conferences at work, cooperating with others in fairness and joy remains a life long challenge. Team Spirit formula addresses this by easing coordination, communication, as well as seeing the others’ point of view. Red Onion connects us to ourselves and all the other group members. It facilitates seeing the group as a whole. Solomon’s Seal coordinates everyone’s thoughts, feelings, emotions and movements like a good basketball team playing as if elegantly choreographed. Lily of the Valley makes the team project loving and heartful. Grape Hyacinth supports open communication. Tiger Lily helps the strong team members to take themselves back, tuning down a competitive edge while encouraging the shyer ones to bring more of themselves to the group. Yucca permits understanding and insight into the other person’s situation and motivation. Also a wonderful combination for relationships, it enhances the sense of continuous healthy connection and verbal as well as non-verbal communication. Enjoy the Team Spirit!

Team Spirit – From family life and kindergarten group to conferences at work, cooperating with others in fairness and joy remains a life long challenge. Team Spirit formula addresses this by easing coordination, communication, as well as seeing the others’ point of view. Red Onion connects us to ourselves and all the other group members. It facilitates seeing the group as a whole. Solomon’s Seal coordinates everyone’s thoughts, feelings, emotions and movements like a good basketball team playing as if elegantly choreographed. Lily of the Valley makes the team project loving and heartful. Grape Hyacinth supports open communication. Tiger Lily helps the strong team members to take themselves back, tuning down a competitive edge while encouraging the shyer ones to bring more of themselves to the group. Yucca permits understanding and insight into the other person’s situation and motivation. Also a wonderful combination for relationships, it enhances the sense of continuous healthy connection and verbal as well as non-verbal communication. Enjoy the Team Spirit!

Team Spirit – From family life and kindergarten group to conferences at work, cooperating with others in fairness and joy remains a life long challenge. Team Spirit formula addresses this by easing coordination, communication, as well as seeing the others’ point of view. Red Onion connects us to ourselves and all the other group members. It facilitates seeing the group as a whole. Solomon’s Seal coordinates everyone’s thoughts, feelings, emotions and movements like a good basketball team playing as if elegantly choreographed. Lily of the Valley makes the team project loving and heartful. Grape Hyacinth supports open communication. Tiger Lily helps the strong team members to take themselves back, tuning down a competitive edge while encouraging the shyer ones to bring more of themselves to the group. Yucca permits understanding and insight into the other person’s situation and motivation. Also a wonderful combination for relationships, it enhances the sense of continuous healthy connection and verbal as well as non-verbal communication. Enjoy the Team Spirit!

Yin Yang – trillium combo .

Nature Awareness – The green flowers of Hellebore, Solomon’s Seal and Green Trillium combine to raise our awareness of the green world around us. A combination that helps us to reconnect with Nature as alive, and to tune in to Nature Wisdom.

Hero Child Formula -

The Three Sisters -

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